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A Welcome and Hospitable Community

Welcome! A Guide to Your First Visit​

Aspen Grove desires to be a welcoming and hospitable community - regardless of background, beliefs, or life situation. Come as you are, and we look forward to welcoming you to worship. New visitors come every week so you won’t feel out of place. Although you should find most of the information you need below, do not hesitate to contact us if you have more questions.

Worship Service at 10am

Please enter through the Community Room doors through our Welcome Center to the right of the main YMCA doors. 

Aspen Kids

Aspen Kids is a fun, safe, worship experience for every child, from 3 months old to 5th grade. Through interactive stories, singing, and hands-on activities, kids discover what it means to be a follower of Jesus. 

What to Expect

It can be hard to walk into a room of people you don't know. We understand. But we are a friendly community and want you to feel welcome.

What should I wear?

There is no dress code so wear whatever is comfortable. 

What is your worship service like?

When we sing together, we draw from a wide range of musical expressions. A single service can include lyrics and music written hundreds of years ago as well as lyrics and music written last year. During the course of the service there will be times of silence and reverence, but also joy and passion. The sermons dive into Biblical passages to uncover truths that revolutionize our everyday lives. Each month, we celebrate what is called the Lord's supper which reminds us of God's love towards us through His son Jesus.

Will you single me out as a guest?

You’ll be casually greeted by a few folks but not singled out. We understand that it can be hard to visit a new church. You are welcome to slip in and out anonymously, but we also give you the opportunity to fill out a connect card or meet one of the pastors as they are accessible and available.

Do I have to believe everything you do to fit in?

Absolutely not. While we are thoughtful about what we believe and strive to understand God more fully, we are a community that welcomes the mutual maturing that happens when we disagree and wrestle through important issues together. Even if this is your first time connecting with a church in years, or your first time ever, you are welcome at Aspen Grove Church.

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